LRM Dental and Associates Get a Clearer View with Intra-Oral Cameras

LRM Dental & Associates utilizes technological advances in the field of dentistry with the use of digital cameras and xrays. We use an array of digital equipment during the course of performing dental care.

Our dentist and staff use intraoral camera technology when explaining a dental diagnosis. By enabling our patients to see first-hand what problem areas the dentist is referring to, they are able to better understand their diagnosis. An intraoral camera is a very small camera which can navigate easily in the mouth. Some intraoral cameras measure a little as a few millimeters long.  An intraoral camera allows us to view clear, precise images of your mouth, teeth and gums in order to accurately make a diagnosis. With clear, defined, enlarged images, we can see details that may be missed by standard mirror examinations. This can mean faster diagnosis with less chair-time for you!

Intra oral cameras also allow us to save the images we captured during your oral examination.  we then are able to save it as a digital file to our office computer to provide a permanent record of treatments. These treatments can be printed for you, other specialists, and your lab or insurance companies.

Call us today to book your dental appointment.