Your Benefits and Our Financial Policy

We value transparency in treatment planning.  As such, we ensure that treatment costs are well understood prior to proceeding with dental treatments. It is important to identify that Insurance Companies deal in insurance products and are not health care practitioners. Dental insurance benefit plans are aimed to “cover for your basic minimum dental needs.”  Dental plan deductibles and coverage details can vary through a wide range of carriers. Thus, we provide a “value added service” to all our patients by submitting claims to “eligible insurance” companies on your behalf , if you opt to have us do so. We have experienced, knowledgeable staff and administration that dedicates a portion of their daily routine communicating with a wide spectrum of dental insurance companies, unions and health spending administrators. Our goal is to ensure that you are well supported and well informed of the nuances of your benefit details so you can confidently move towards quickly accessing your dental care benefits. However, it is by industry experience, that insurance carriers do not always release the full details of coverage benefits or dental benefit history to an inquiring dental office; therefore, it is our Company Financial Policy to convey that 

“The total remaining treatment balances not covered by an insurance carrier are the responsibility of and are 100% payable by the patient.”

As registered members of the Alberta Dental Association and College, LRM Dental and Associates believes in providing a Standard Care of Practice governed by the Code of Ethics outlined by the ADA+C. At LRM Dental, all patients are treated equally and our practitioners diligently ensure that you are receiving proper Dental Care. We thrive on building relationships upon your trust to choose us as your primary General Dental Care provider. Our dental fees are provisioned and reviewed annually to sensibly reflect the distribution of well managed administration, staff, facility and the fiscal responsibility of a professional dental business practice.

“We strive to achieve that you see the best in us as we provide for your Dental Care needs!”

Have a discussion with us today about how your insurance works!  

We also provide payment plan options to assist in your dental budget financial planning.